• Peggy’s Cove

    Serenity lies in Nature…..

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  • Splashdown

    Herons are very skittish, and I sat many mornings waiting to get one of the front of the bird! I hope for there to be IUCN 1A sanctuaries set up…

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  • Bluenose

    The Bluenose II is a very important part of our Nova Scotian Culture.

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South Shore


The Bluenose II is a very important part of our Nova Scotian Culture.


Who knows, we may not have leaves anymore, and people may not fish as jobs anymore, fishing is a big part of our community in Lunenburg and the beauty and…


Space is special to me in Nova Scotia because growing up in suburban Ontario, space was at a premium.

Fishing Boats

Fishing boats because the life of the fisher will be long gone, replaced by robotics, mechanics, and decimated by over fishing.


This is representative of our colourful fishing culture, history and waterfront Peaceful!

Beauty and Serenity

It shows the beauty and serenity of our waterfront and our sunset both of which I fear will have disappeared in 150 years.

Fishing Tradition

It reminds me of the strong fishing tradition, the initial boat building skills and not the number of people who come to sail and enjoy the ocean and towns!

This Province Rocks

This province rocks! Hopefully the Micmaq people will have increasing influence and respect by then – including even a flag to reflect their earlier life, culture and contribution!!!


The sunsets are so beautiful here, especially over the ocean

The Nymph's Grove in Wentzells Lake

This photo was taken while out on an excursion with the Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation. The Foundation is working hard to prevent invasive species, in this case chain pickerel, from…

Salty Dog

This photo was taken at Polly’s Cove, what I consider to be the “underrated sister of Peggy’s Cove”. The rocky landscape is like something from another planet; desolate, barren and…

Victoria County

Peggy's Cove

Serenity lies in Nature…..


Herons are very skittish, and I sat many mornings waiting to get one of the front of the bird! I hope for there to be IUCN 1A sanctuaries set up…

Bee's Flowers

I love Bees. When I was 5 I was afraid of them, but I now I love these beautiful creatures. In a hundred and fifty years I hope that people…

Speed boat in Baddeck

This is a picture of a speed boat in Baddeck Harbour.

Colourful Flowers

I love flowers because they’re colourful and bright and they are all unique and can brighten the place up.

Beautiful Lighthouse

In 150 years, I hope that there is still blue water and trees and flowers. I hope there are still dogs and sailboats. And food and clean water to drink.…

The Feather Glory

My friend, Nora, is behind the eagle feather. Nora still has the feather. That picture is glory!

The Boats of Baddeck

I love sailing on my poppy’s boat, I hope that in 150 years there is still a clean beautiful ocean to go sailing on.

Alex's "Bluenose"

It’s a sailboat in the ocean.

Baddeck View

I hope there are still beautiful places to hike in 150 years, so that I can still see beautiful views.

The Tipped Over Boat

When you look at the picture very closely you may see a tipped over 420 boat. You can see all kinds of other boats and you can see the Alexander…

Full Sail

Sailing is very fun. I hope that in 150 years, there is still a clean ocean to sail on. I also hope that there is still a large variety of…

Fisherman's Sunrise

Lobster fishing in Belle cote, Cape Breton. Red sky’s in the morning sailors take warning.

Morning Glory

I took this photo just outside of my house, and the name comes from it being a morning sunrise and the fact that I love morning glory muffins from the…

Shy Moose

Close encounter with this moose on a hiking trail in the Cabot Trail National Park while vacationing summer of 2015. It was truly awe inspiring!