Support Us

It was the beauty and creative energy found within the Canadian environment that nurtured the innovative spirit of both Alexander and Mabel Bell. Through the work of the AGB Foundation, we are committed to supporting future generations of Canadian innovators. We ask you to be part of the vision they instilled in us so many years ago.

Please Select Your Donation Option

General Donation and Online Giving

Make a one-time gift now or become a monthly donor and give a recurring gift that will support our ongoing work to preserve the legacy of the Bell Family through support of present and future Canadian innovators and inventors.

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Donate to Celebrate a Person or Occasion

Make a donation to honour someone who is celebrating a special occasion (such as a wedding anniversary, birthday, or barbat mitzvah). You will receive a tax receipt for your generous gift, and we will send a card with your special message to the person(s) being honoured.

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Donate in Memory of a Loved One

Make a donation in memory of a loved one who has passed away. You will receive a tax receipt for your generous gift, and we will send a card acknowledging your thoughtful gift to the bereaved family or another designated recipient.

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Planned Giving – Leave a Legacy

Planned giving helps you achieve your financial goals while also supporting the important work of the AGB Foundation. Planned gifts provide vital, stable support for our work and can have a profound impact for future innovators and inventors.

You can make a planned gift today to leave a lasting legacy tomorrow. To discuss making a planned gift to The Alexander Graham bell Foundation, please contact Leslie Wright at